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Model :KP-LC10 KP-LC13 KP-LC15 ★UL certified, certification number: E507103, certification standard: UL1699 ★ LCDI, leakage detector, leakage detection and interrupt function. The whole product consists of one stick A long flexible cable is provided with a wiring device at the load end and an LCDI connector plug at the lead end. ★ This product adopts flame retardant material structure, with fire prevention, lightning protection, low power consumption, high sensitivity, Strong reliability, wide range of temperature application; ★ When the leakage current exceeds the preset value, the product trips to cut off the power supply immediately, which can effectively Prevent leakage current caused by aging power cord or animal biting through the sheath Arc fire protects equipment and personal safety. ★ In line with the latest environmental protection requirements of China and EU ★ Widely used in all kinds of electrical equipment power supply (such as window air conditioning, mobile air conditioning, etc.) Special for window air conditioning Special for mobile air conditioning 上一页